General News

CORONAVIRUS: last news and our position

  • March 05, 2020
Here is the latest news from Nepal and our position on the Coronavirus (updated 12/03).


Nepal is not (yet) affected by the Coronavirus.

Only one case was identified at the beginning of the year, a student who was treated when he returned from China.


To prevent the epidemic from affecting Nepal, the Nepalese authorities have implemented this administrative protocol for obtaining visas.

Here is the information from the Nepalese Ministry of Tourism in French. [TRAVELER INFORMATION]

Rush decision by the Nepalese government: To prevent the epidemic from affecting Nepal, a country relatively spared from the start by Covid-19, the Nepalese authorities have implemented this administrative protocol for obtaining visas: http: //

From now on, this protocol concerns China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, but also France, Germany and Spain, as of March 13.

The visa to be made in advance is no longer an option for the French, Spanish and German who join the Italians in the list of countries on the black list as of March 13.

If you are a national of one of these countries, please contact the nearest Nepalese embassy or consulate (Toulouse, Rouen) as soon as possible, which will issue your visa by express (2 working days). Please note that a COMPULSORY medical certificate attesting to your ability to travel (no infectious disease) dated less than 7 days will be required at the time of the outward flight (in English or French made by the attending physician).

If you cannot afford to travel, and you still have time before your departure for Nepal, you can use the or Rapid visa service which requires 64 euros and will issue your visa in 2 working days, maximum 3, once the passport is received by registered mail (excluding postal time).

For those who have already made their visa, it will still be necessary to bring with you to Nepal a medical certificate in English dating from less than 7 days.


We know the changing situation. Thus, as a precaution, we advise ALL to make your visa in advance and to come with a medical certificate because no one is immune to a new restriction concerning nationals of other countries (Swiss, Belgian …).

This process will continue until the disease is completely contained. This means that we do not know when the "visas on arrival" will be issued again on the spot.

Nepal is to date relatively isolated and spared compared to France and Europe in general. Nepal has therefore set up this system to protect itself from other infected countries. There is no reason to worry too much, unless officially prohibited by the Nepalese or French government in which case the trip will be canceled and refunded. Otherwise, the cancellation remains a personal choice and without official prohibition of one of the governments, the conditions of cancellation of our CGV apply.


In addition to the usual file to prepare, they must also provide a medical certificate attesting to their fitness to travel (declaring that they are to date healthy and not carrying an infectious disease)

 This process will continue until the disease is completely contained. This means that we do not know when the "visas on arrival" will be issued again on the spot.


Regarding our position vis-à-vis the coronavirus:

It should be remembered that the "classic" flu kills more than 5000 people in France every year, so there is no objective reason to avoid this area of ??the world outside of China.

Nepal is to date relatively isolated and spared compared to France and Europe in general with to date only 1 case found in Nepal already a few weeks ago and 120 people in observation with negative results after having undergone tests .

There is no reason to be overly concerned - unless officially banned by the Nepalese or French government, in which case the trip will be canceled and refunded. Otherwise, cancellation remains a personal choice. Without an official ban from one of the governments, or even from the WHO, the conditions for cancellation of the GTC will apply normally.