Festivals dates of Nepal - Tibet & Bhutan

Below is the calendar of Festivals to be held in Nepal, India, Bhutan, and Tibet.


15 Jan 2024 Maghi The New Year of the Tharu and Magar ethnic groups is mainly celebrated in the Teraï
11 March 2024 Tibetan New Year Tibetan New Year / Sherpa Losar
8 Feb 2024 Shiva Ratri Night of the lord Shiva, when the god is celebrated by libations, dances and use of narcotics in the interesting temple of Pashupatinath
24 March 2024 Holi Celebration of colours, Holika Demon Holocaust celebration giving rise to battles of water and colours in Kathmandu (March 6) in the Teraï (March 7) and in all of India
12 & 13 Apr 2024 Bisket Jatra Newar tantric festival of Bhaktapur and Thimi coinciding (coincidentally) with the Nepalese New Year commemorating the great battle and victory of the good over the evil of Mahabarath with a parade of wagons effigies of Bhairav and Bhadra and struggles taking place around a great tower ceremonial
5 - 7 May 2024

Teeji Sacred Dance Festival and Revelation of Tanka Celebrating the Arrival of Spring in Lo Manthang Capital of Mustang
2024 Seto & Rato machendranath Giant chariot parade carrying the statue of the god Machendranath, Seto - white in Kathmandu, Rato - red in Patan, and Bungamati (syncretism of Indra god of the Hindu rain and Avalokiteswar Bodisatva of compassion for Hindus) taking place at the end of April beginning of May so to summon rain for an early monsoon
19 & 20 Aug 2024 Janai Purnima
Gai Jatra
Festival where Bhramin and Chettri castes (born twice) change the sacred cord they wear and moments of festivities and pilgrimages to the holy lakes including Gosaikunda (Langtang), the gathering of animist shamans give rise to dances, trances, and festivities and the Gai Jatra Festival (Sacred Cow Parade in Memory of the Dead)
15 - 21 Sep 2024 Indra Jatra Parade of chariot in tribute to Indra god of the rain and king of the gods, where appears the Kumari living protective goddess of Kathmandu
10 - 13 Oct 2024 Dashain A 12-day festival symbolizing the victory of Ram (Vishnu's avatar) on the Ravan demon and where the elders bless their cadets, a real national holiday of Nepal
1 - 3 Nov 2024 Tihar Festival of lights, Diwali in India culminating with Pooja in Laxmi, goddess of prosperity and the blessing of the brothers by their sisters
The full moon of the 6* Tibetan month Festival of Dho / Tarap Great religious festival at the monastery of Riwo Bumpa - Dho Tarap.


2024 TrongsaTshechu & Lhuentse Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
19 - 23 Feb 2024 Punakha Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
24 Feb 2024 Chhorten Kora Ritual Circumstances of Stupa and Pooja
19 Mar 2024 Gomphu Kora Ritual Circumstances of Stupa and Pooja
16 - 19 Mar 2024 Gasa Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
21 - 25 Mar 2024 Paro Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
20 -24 Apr 2024 Ura Yakchoe Village Festival of Spring Celebration
14 - 16 June 2024 Nimalung Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
16 June 2024 Kurjey Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
2024 Dragon Tour Bike race
8 - 10 Sep 2024 Thimphu Drubchen Pooja ritual
11 - 13 Sep 2024 Wangdue Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
13 - 15 Sep 2024 Tamshing Phala Chhoepa Bike race
13 - 15 Sep 2024 Thimphu Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
17 - 19 Sep 2024 Thangbi Mani Pooja ritual
9 - 11 Nov 2024 Chhukha Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
11 Nov 2024 Black Necked Crane Festival Festival celebrating the animal symbol of the Phobjika Valley, the black-necked crane
19 - 22 Nov 2024 Mongar Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
10 - 14 Nov 2024 Trashigang Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
18 - 21 Sep 2024 Jampa Lhakhang Drup Pooja ritual of Jambey Lhakhang monastery in JAkar - Bhumthang
15 - 17 Oct 2024 Pemagatshel Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
8 -10 Dec 2024 Nangkor Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting
Dec 2024 Druk Wangyel Tshechu Holy masked dance festival and revelation of Thangka - sacred painting


23 May 2024 Mount Kailash Dharpoche Saka Dawa Festival, celebrating Guru Rinpoche - Padma Sambhava
20 - 22 July Gyantse Dhamak Yogurt Festival giving rise to festivities including horse races
18 July 2024 Labrang Festival Sacred Dance Festival celebrating Guru Rinpoche with giant Thangka revelation, archery and horse racing
10 March 2024 Tibetan New Year (Losar) Celebration in the families for the new year, various rituals and festivities the following days in monasteries in Tibet